Disability Studies and the Bible
From a disability perspective, what promises and pitfalls do we find in the biblical texts with respect to ancient audiences and contemporary interpreters? What does “abundant life” look like when it comes to diverse embodiments?
I have been speaking and writing in the area of Disability and the Bible since 2010. I serve on the editorial board of the Journal of Disability and Religion. No matter which texts or theologies I’m exploring, I always ask: “From a disability perspective, in what ways do the texts (and our interpretations of them) have liberative potential and it what ways do they present obstacles for those seeking abundant life?”
Jaime's publications on disability studies and the Bible
“Love Embodied in Action—Ethics and Incarnation.” In Johannine Ethics: The Moral World of the Gospel and Epistles of John, eds. Sherri Brown and Christopher Skinner. Minneapolis: Fortress. Expected publication date: 2017.
“Disability in the Johannine Literature (Gospel of John, 1-3 John, Apocalypse).” In The Bible and Disability: A Commentary, eds. Sarah J. Melcher, Mikeal C. Parsons, and Amos Yong. Waco: Baylor University Press, 2017.
Reading John for Dear Life: A Spiritual Walk with the Fourth Gospel. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2016. Chapters 5-6.
“The Gospel of Mark and Disability.” Interpretation: a Journal of Bible and Theology. Interpretation 70.2. April, 2016.
“1, 2, 3 John.” Pages 691–710 in Hebrews, the General Epistles, and Revelation: Fortress Commentary on the Bible Study Edition. Edited by Margaret Aymer, Cynthia Briggs Kittredge, and David Sanchez. Minneapolis: Fortress, 2016. Part of this essay discusses disability.
“More than Conquerors: Romans 8:26-39 & Disability.” ONScripture. July 21, 2014. http://www.onscripture.com/more-conquerors
“The Politics of Biblical Interpretation.” In Clark-Soles, Engaging the Word: The New Testament and the Christian Believer. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2010.
“Disability,” in The CEB Women’s Bible. Nashville: Common English Bible/Abingdon Press, 2016. Jaime Clark-Soles (New Testament Editor), Judy Fentress-Williams, et. al., eds.
“Disability and the Bible.” The Christian Citizen. February 21, 2018.
Select Lectures/Workshops
“Abundant Life: The Gospel of John and Disability.” 2017 Andrews Lectures in Christian Spirituality. Spring Arbor University, Spring Arbor, MI. February 2017.
Plenary Speaker. “Disability and the Johannine Literature.” Presented at the Institute for Theology and Disability. June 2014. Watch here.
Seminar: “Scriptural Representations of Disability.” Co-taught with Dr. Jeremy Schipper, Associate Professor of Hebrew Bible. Summer 2014.
The Bible and Disability. Frequently taught at churches and other communities.
Associate Editor for New Testament Studies, The Journal of Disability and Religion. For more information, click here.
Dissertation Director
Michelle J. Morris, “Rejoice? O Barren Woman: Infertility in the New Testament.” Graduate Program in Religious Studies. Southern Methodist University. 2014.
Dissertation Committee
Lisa Hancock, GPRS Student in Theology. “Christology of the Disabled Christ.”
Directed Studies
Disability Studies. Student: Lisa Hancock. Spring 2017.